Bridge Rating Manual

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All major structures and selected minor structures that carry vehicular traffic require a load rating.All major structures and selected minor structures that carry vehicular traffic require a load rating. Date 06-05-19 Structure Number Request Form Excel XLSM - 35 KB, Rev. Date 09-17-19 DOCUMENTS ARCHIVE 1982 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 24.3 MB, Rev. Date 09-01-82 1995 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 2.4 MB, Rev. Date 03-16-95 2006 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 171 KB, Rev. Date 10-19-06 2009 Load Rating Memo, Double-Leaf Bascules Adobe PDF - 119 KB, Rev. Date 08-19-09 2010 Load Rating Memo, Striped Lanes - Segmentals Adobe PDF - 271 KB, Rev. Date 04-06-10 2011 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 933 KB, Rev. Date 01-01-11 2011 Load Rating Memo, Redacts FL120 Service III Adobe PDF - 141 KB, Rev. Date 09-01-11 2012 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 1.4 MB, Rev. Date 08-01-12 2014 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 891 KB - Rev. Date 01-01-14 2014 Load Rating Summary Form - LFR Excel XLSX - 32 KB, Rev. Date 01-01-14 2014 Load Rating Summary Form - LRFR Excel XLSX - 32 KB - Rev. Date 01-01-14 2015 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 1.3 MB - Rev. Date 07-13-15 2015 Load Rating Summary Form Excel XLSX - 538 KB, Rev. Date 07-13-15 2016 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 750 KB - Rev. Date 09-26-16 2016 Load Rating Summary Form Excel XLSX - 540 KB - Rev. Date 09-26-16 2017 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 2 MB - Rev. Date 02-20-17 2018 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 1.77 MB - Rev. Date 12-22-17 2018 Load Rating Summary Form Excel XLSX - 548 KB - Rev. Date 12-22-17 2018 Load Rating Summary Form with Emergency Vehicles Excel XLSX - 535 KB - Rev. Date 10-08-18 2019 Load Rating Manual Adobe PDF - 1.79 MB - Rev. Date 10-11-19 2019 Load Rating Summary Form Excel XLSX - 532 KB - Rev. Does this confirmation only seek to show that the operating truck, placed at the ordinates shown in the table, meets shear and moment criteria in the underlying beams? If more is expected, please clarify.

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At a minimum, confirmation of the governing HS20 or HL93 Operating Rating; show the factored components of the rating factor equation. A more comprehensive check is recommended, especially when results significantly differ from the original Design Load increased to the Operating Level. It is helpful to show the internal components as well, the factorsThe intent is to (1) provide a starting point for review, and (2) show that the analyst can readily identify the critical components, that the work is more than “button pushing.” Furthermore, a widening need not assess EVs either, if the rating methodology is LRFR and the results meet minimum strength criteria outlined within SDG Chapter 7. EV analysis for segmental bridges may be based upon the existing load rating, and amended to include EV ratings. If other posting avoidance techniques are unsuccessful, then try the most difficult posting avoidance. With the associated multiple presence factors, take the worst of:However load ratings need not apply postingThat is, it is not necessary to doggedly exhaust a maze of regulations before concluding with a path that was known at the outset. Submit a question or comment concerning Bridge Load Rating by clicking here. Submit a question or comment concerning this website by clicking here. Today, even rural Farm- or Ranch-to-MarketAASHTO replaced theAlthough the plans may say designedThese types of ratings are based on fieldAASHTO has included Load and Resistance FactorAs a result, TxDOT used theTexas initiated the concept of crown-widthTexas continued the crown-width,The allowable stressTruss countersIf a truss was designed H-15, H-20,Texas limited the distance between the concentratedThis is probably basedThis is probably the rationaleHowever, the 1953 THD Supplement No.

1 18 continued modifyingThe 30-ft limit may also have been inIn 1949, AASHTO changed this toThis changeThe AASHTO Bridge SpecificationsThis provisionIt is believed to be anFor this reason,For example, an H-15 design might rateEnter appropriate notationThe resulting stresses orDo not use temporary repairsThe Inventory Rating directly affectsNormally, if theMost of these bridges were designedUnfortunately,Design proceduresFor shorter, continuous bridges,However, the current AASHTOAs a result, this type of bridgeIn addition, continuous spans cannot beMost structures have a degree of capacityGenerate an LF rating in this case.These singleThe MBE defines 4 SHV trucks:By definition,Substructures do not need. If you do not want your E-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. For the full website experience, please update your browser to one of theIt could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. Some of the features on will not function properly with out javascript enabled. Maintaining and improving upon the State's bridge inventory is necessary to accomplish this goal. A critical task for a bridge inventory to be in a good state of repair is the knowledge of each bridge's capacity to safely carry live loads in its current condition. A load rating package must provide this information in an accurate, organized, and standardized report. The information contained in this report is used for several purposes:Has the capability to import to Bridge Load Rating Form.The templates may or may not be compatible with previous or future versions; therefore, the Load Rating Section cannot guarantee the templates will work with versions other than those listed. LRFR is a statistically-based, more accurate and defensible load rating than the previous method, now referred to as the Tier-1 Load Rating Procedures.

ODOT bridges will use the Oregon-specific live load factors and all other bridges will use the re-calibrated national live load factors. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Learn how. Bridge Design is the tool for assisting in the design of both superstructuresSpecifications. AASHTOWare Bridge RatingManual for Bridge Evaluation, AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway BridgesThe two products share much of their user interface and database. When both products are licensed, a bridge canAASHTOWare Bridge Rating for load rating without re-entering and validatingThe database and user interface are capableThree-dimensional description is the basisThe computational engines support both line girderAmong the benefits are: The product roadmap and the development projects are guided and managed by a task force. The Product Task Force, together with other advisory task forces, is directed by the Special Committee on AASHTOWare (SCOA). For the current fiscal year, the products are licensed by more than 35 state transportation agencies. Each heading expands to include: Appropriate use of these resources is the responsibility of the engineer-of-record. INDOT implies no endorsement of these resources and the recommendations contained therein. Their appropriateness and legitimacy must be established by the engineer-of-record for the situation at hand. Additional resources are a variety of guidance from national and local research, other State DOT links, and FHWA. You can now subscribe to receive email alerts when we make changes to it. If you have a subscription and no longer wish to receive emails, you can also unsubscribe. It defines procedures and provides the technical criteria required to design new structures and to widen and strengthen existing bridges for service life and durability. Note these are provided as a reference only and are not suitable for new contracts.

The focus of this Level 3 Inspection is to determine if the defect is the same as the potential structural deficiency identified in the calculations. It will provide an assessment process undertaken when a Tier 1 assessment indicates that a bridge has a theoretical structural deficiency and the calculated deficiency is not confirmed by a bridge inspection. Annexure S01: Frame models of complete bridge structures for tier 1 assessments (PDF, 1.74 MB) Annexure S02: Modelling deck unit bridge superstructures for tier 1 assessments (PDF, 231 KB) Annexure S03: Tier 1 assessment of shear in concrete short span bridges to AS 5100 and AS 3600 (PDF, 642 KB) Annexure S04: Tier 2 assessment of shear in concrete short span bridges (PDF, 417 KB) Let us know what you thought of this page and if there is other information you were expecting to find. It must be used when inspecting any publicly owned, operated or maintained bridge or large culvert in New York State that is open to vehicular traffic. There are a small number of bridges that do not carry traffic but are routinely inspected and have their data entered into the New York State Bridge Inventory and Inspection System. This manual is also used when inspecting these non-mandated bridges. Bridge Section functions include reviewing consultant designs and providing assistance to the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council. The Bridge Section also performs biennial bridge inspections to insure safety for the traveling public in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS), develops repair recommendations for existing bridges, performs load ratings, and determines load postings and closings of deficient bridges. Other responsibilities include the development, implementation, and operation of the Bridge Management System to provide system-wide condition analysis and reporting to support bridge-programming decisions. All plans, reports and files originating from this bureau are listed below.

Looking for information relating to bridge design that isn't listed here.To view KMZ files, you will need to have Google Earth installed on your pc. If you click on a bridge bubble, it will note some information of the bridge and a link to the latest inspection report. I: Assessment and Verification by Load Testing I: Assessment and Verification by Load TestingThe rating process is described in AASHTO’s Manual for Bridge Evaluation, which permits ratings to be determined by allowable stress, load factor, or load and resistance factor methods, the latter of which is keyed to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. These three rating methods may lead to differently rated capacities and posting limits for the same bridge, a situation that has serious implications with regard to public safety and the economic well-being of communities that may be affected by bridge postings or closures. This paper is the first of two papers that summarize a research program to develop improvements to the current bridge rating process using structural reliability methods. This paper appraises current bridge rating methods and summarizes a coordinated program of analysis and load testing of several bridges to support recommended improvements to the bridge rating process. The second paper presents the reliability basis for the recommended load rating and recommends specific improvements to current bridge rating methods in a format that is consistent with the load and resistance factor rating (LRFR) option in the Manual for Bridge Evaluation. II: Improvements to Bridge Rating Practices Journal of Bridge Engineering October 2011 Curtis O’Malley, A.M.ASCE; Graduate Research Assistant, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332. Bruce R. Ellingwood, Dist. M.ASCE; and Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 790 Atlantic Dr., Atlanta, GA 30332-0355 (corresponding author).

II: Improvements to Bridge Rating Practices. The manuals are available on the Iowa DOT website under the “Maintenance and Inspection” section, or you can download the PDFs below. The manuals are designed to provide information about the common areas of bridge inspection, maintenance, and load rating. By the end of the webinar, bridge inventory managers will understand how the manuals can be used to help them manage their bridge inventories in accordance with the Iowa D.O.T. and FHWA policies and procedures. The webinar provides an opportunity to hear the content of the NEW Iowa Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, and Load Ratings Manuals (the manuals are available on the Iowa DOT website under the “Maintenance and Inspection” section). Scott has worked in the Iowa DOT Office of Bridges and Structures for 19 years. He is currently the Bridge Maintenance and Inspection Engineer. The program is responsible for ensuring that all bridges are load rated to verify their safe load carrying capacity in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). The Bridge Load Rating Unit performs load capacity evaluations of complex bridges, truss bridges, movable bridges, and all other structures within the state-owned inventory. The area also serves as the technical consultant to FHWA, MDOT Divisions, regions, and local agencies, and is responsible for assisting in FHWA NBIS Metric evaluations. The most common bridge construction special provisions are also available.MassDOT accepts no responsibility for costs or other adverse consequences, whether direct or indirect, that may occur to the recipient or to any subsequent users of the information, due to errors that may or may not be detected. These files are intended for use by recipients performing bridge design work which will be reviewed and approved by MassDOT. {-Variable.fc_1_url-

All other recipients using these files for bridge design work for entities other than MassDOT do so at their own risk and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless MassDOT from and against any and all claims, liability and expense arising from such use. MassDOT has developed these files for use free of charge. Files used by the recipient may not be sold or used for any other commercial purpose, nor may the recipient market for sale these files or the information contained therein as their own proprietary product to other clients. If so, enter your email address below. (Optional). Please enable scripts and reload this page. Government that Works Rebuild public infrastructure to meet 21st century challenges and needs. Government that Works Improve government efficiency and employee engagement. All rights reserved. Federal regulations require all bridges to be inspected using NBE’s. The purpose of this manual is to supplement the AASHTO manual with Hawaii-specific information. This basically refers to the inspector starting the inspection on the top of the bridge and then proceeding down to the bridge substructure. The AASHTO Manual for Evaluation of Bridges (MBE) published in 2008 provides a choice of load rating methods. MBE Section 6 Part A incorporates provisions specific to the Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) method developed to provide uniform reliability in bridge load ratings, load postings, and permit decisions. Part B provides safety criteria and procedures for the Allowable Stress and Load Factor methods of evaluation. While most bridge ratings continue to be performed using the Load Factor Rating (LFR) method, several states are currently making their transition to the LRFR methodology following the provisions contained in the 2008 AASHTO MBE. Bridges designed using the LRFD method should be load rated using LRFR for reporting to the National Bridge Inventory.

The purpose of this course is to concentrate on the fundamentals of load rating highway bridges using the latest AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation. The course will begin with an overview of the AASHTO MBE, load rating methods, and introduce the load and resistance factor philosophy for new bridge designs and for load rating of existing bridges. The LFR and LRFR approaches are broken down into their basic components and a detailed explanation is provided on how and why each component was developed. LFR and LRFR live load models, load factors, distribution factors, load combinations, and rating provisions for steel and concrete bridges will be reviewed. Posting and permitting procedures specific to each methodology will be described. Examples with detailed step-by-step explanations will be used to illustrate the LFR and LRFR rating procedures. Fatigue evaluation methods for steel bridges and load rating of bridges by load testing are additional topics included in this course that follow the requirements of Sections 7 and 8 of the AASHTO MBE. Participants will also be instructed on the use of refined methods of analysis in load ratings and permitting, and their potential benefits.

Seminar Benefits Understand the requirements for bridge evaluation contained in the AASHTO MBE Understand the fundamentals of the LFR and LRFR methodologies Understand the fundamentals of structural reliability and calibration of the LRFR Specifications Understand the new technologies introduced in the AASHTO MBE comparison of LFR and LRFR ratings Learn how to interpret and apply the MBE provisions to bridge load rating Learn through easy-to-follow rating examples with detailed explanations Get the latest information on load rating research and software Learn how to load rate bridges for legal loads and permit loads and superloads using the latest LRFR Learn how to evaluate bridges for fatigue cracking Learn how to load rate bridges by load testing to achieve enhanced capacity Learn how to utilize refined analysis methods to improve load ratings Obtain an understanding of how to plan and implement effective load rating and permitting policies and procedures using the latest MBE in your State Learning Outcomes Provide bridge engineers the fundamental knowledge necessary to apply the provisions of the 2008 AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation for load rating highway bridges. Assessment of Learning Outcomes Achievement of the learning outcomes will be assessed through a series of case studies and problem-solving exercises. See discount deadline and rates below. We recommend that you utilize the electronic version of the Design Manual on the web site.Highway in North Dakota Badlands This will insure you have the latest working copy of the Design Manual. All of the latest updates to the Design Manual will be posted in Chapter 1, Section 18 of the Design Manual.Designers and other users should follow the policies, procedures, and guidelines; as well as other guidance and principles provided by AASHTO and other publications. NDDOT specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The user agrees to accept all risks and consequences flowing from or related to the use, retention, distribution, alteration, or deletion of this information. NDDOT will in no instance be liable for any loss of profit or other damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages, even if apprised of the likelihood of such damages. When appropriate, there may be deviations from these written procedures due to changes in personnel, policies, interpretation, law, experimentation with different systems, or simply evolution of the process itself. This manual may be changed at any time. Staff are encouraged to review this manual periodically and suggest changes in the manual to keep the manual current and to minimize differences between the manual and actual practices. Continue acting safely to prevent the spread while supporting Alberta businesses. Find out how. Guidelines for bridge assessments, covering identifying deficiencies, developing strategies, and completing life cycle cost analysis, are in the following document: The determination of the load carrying capacities of the Province's bridges is a major ongoing activity, and the carrying out of consistent, thorough and properly documented bridge load evaluation results is an important factor in achieving results that maximize the load carrying capacities of the Province's bridges while maintaining an adequate level of safety. It is intended that this document will help facilitate the achievement of this goal. Higher order physicalAs a result, it takes moreIf the diode is forward biased substantially, Equation 1 can be simplified to a pure exponential, and then near room temperature we can deduce the 60 mV per decade rule, which says that Vf increases approximately 60 mV for every factor of 10 increase in Id. For many applications, it is desirable to have VBR be as large as possible. For other applications, such as voltage regulation, we require relatively low reverse breakdown voltages, such as 5 V or 9 V. For these applications, we use Zener diodes. The reverse characteristics of a typical Zener diode measured using ELVIS are shown in Figure 1. Furthermore, IS is a strong function of temperature. These effects will not be considered in this lab experiment. When Vin is less than zero, both I and Vout are approximately zero. In this case, Vout will never be negative, thus the AC voltage is said to be rectified. The resulting waveform will be only the top half of the input sine wave. However, to create what would be considered direct current, we will also need a capacitor. The filter capacitor is placed in parallel with the load resistance in a power supply. Its purpose is to filter out the voltage fluctuations in the rectified waveform. The red end is called the anode and the black end is called the cathode. It is easiest to remember that current flows from the positive to the negative terminal, or from red to black. Because LEDs are often clear, a different system is used. The long lead of an LED is a the positive one. This system is also used to identify the polarity of other components. For example, the longest lead of a polarized capacitor is also positive. Here we present design equations for the half-wave and full-wave bridge rectifier that you will build in the lab.PIV for half-wave rectifier is given by, while for a full-wave (bridge) rectifier it is given by. Find the ripple voltage, conduction time interval, and peak inverse voltage. Take screenshots for prelab report. Compare the results of your simulations with your calculated values. Note that the sample file contains two circuits. Either can be used. However, one of the circuits is connected to simulated versions of the instruments used throughout the rest of the lab. Have your GTA sign off on each part before proceeding to the next part. For example, consider the circuit shown in Figure 3. When the power supply is connected normally, both the green and yellow LEDs light up, indicating that current is flowing through them. However, when the power supply polarity is reversed, the red LEDs will turn on. In both cases, the yellow LEDs will illuminate. In order to make the circuit easier to understand, use the pin holes instead of wires to connect the red and green LEDs to one another. Set number of steps as 30. Click run. Right click on the plot to save the measured data for use in lab report. Take a screen shot. You should see a plot like one shown in Figure 5. First turn off power to the breadboard. Make the connections as shown in Figure 6.Set number of steps as 30. Click run. Right click on the plot to save the measured data for use in lab report. Take a screen shot. You should see a plot like one shown in Figure 7. Does breakdown occur abruptly? Compare your result with the 60 mV per decade rule. If you cannot find two current values in the linear region that are approximately a decade apart,Compare the corresponding voltage differences with 60 mV. Note that a log scale is used for the current axis to facilitate observation of the voltage swing required for a 10x change of current. To realize the 7.6 F capacitance, connect two 3.3 F and one 1 F capacitor together in parallel. 20k is a standard resistor. As the function generator is grounded, we must use a make a differential measurement of the voltage across the output. Make sure that the AI 1- terminal is not grounded. Measure the ripple voltage and conduction time interval for comparison with prelab calculation and simulation. Save a screenshot. A screenshot of the voltage across D1 is shown in Figure 11. Is the measurement consistent with theory and simulation. During what time interval is D2 on?We can remove this diode voltage loss using a so-called super diode shown below. You need to supply power, actually two powers, one positive, and the other. The rc4558 has two sets of inputs and outputs, or two channels. We will just use one set. This way, the output voltage of the rectifierThis schematic did not indicate where to take the output. It should be taken from the “-” input of the op-amp, which is connected to the load R. Take a screenshot. Describe an advantage of this circuit over the recitifer circuits built previously. In real-life application, the load is 5 series-connect 100W LED.The energy consumption is almost NIL, as the energy meter.These tools allow students, hobbyists, and professional engineers to design and analyze analog and digital systems before ever building a prototype. Online schematic capture lets hobbyists easily share and discuss their designs, while online circuit simulation allows for quick design iteration and accelerated learning about electronics. Sim Power System 2 AC Voltage Source AC Voltage Source blo ck implements an ideal AC voltage source. The o utput provides a Simulink signal that can be used b y other Simulink blocks. Measure ments 4 Current Measurement The Current Measurement block is used to measure the instantaneous curre nt flowing in any electrical block or connection line. The Simulink output provides a Simulink signal that can be used by other Simuli nk blocks Measure ments 5 Pulse generator The Pulse Generator block generates square wave pulses a t regular intervals. The block's waveform parameters, Amplitude, P ulse Width, Period, and Phase delay, determine the shape of the output waveform. The following dia gram shows how each parameter affects the waveform. Sources 6 Scope The Scope block displays its input with respect to simulation time. Sinks 7 RLC Branch The Series R LC Branch block implements a single resistor, inductor, or capacitor, or a series combination of these. Use the Sim power System. Continuous method, which uses a variable step Simulink solver. Ideal Switching continuous method. Discretization of the electrical s ystem for a solution at fixed time steps. Phasor solution method Powerlib Theory:- In half wave rectification of a sin gle-phase suppl y, either the p ositive or negative half of the AC wave is p assed, while the other h alf is blocked. Because only one half of the input waveform reaches the output, mean voltage is lower. Half-wave rectification requires a single diode in a single-phase supply, or three in a three-phase suppl y. Rectifiers yield a unidirectional but pulsating direct current; half -wave rectifiers produce f ar more ripple than full-wave r ectifiers, and much more filtering is needed t o eliminate harmonics of the AC frequency from the output. Fig. 1 Circuit diagram for ha ve wave R load. Fig.2 Circuit diagra m for have wave RL load Procedure: (half wave rectifier) 1. Open Matlab and select simulink file to built required circ uit. 2. Collect required blocks from simulink library like diodes, ac source, voltmeter etc. 3. Connect the circuit as it circuit diagram and start the simulation for required time. 4. Measure Dc voltage and Ac voltage in output of half wa ve rectifier and save the file. 5. Repeat same steps for RL load and calculate required parameters. Apparatus Requ ired:- Matlab Sim ulink Library br owser (Explained in exp.1) 1. 4 - Th yristor 2. 1 - AC Voltage Source 3. 1 - Volta ge Measurement 4. C urrent Measurement 5. P ulse generator 6. S cope 7. P owergui Theory:- The phase controlled rectifiers using SC Rs are used to obtain controlled dc output voltages from the fix ed ac mains input voltage.